Runner's shoes along boardwalk

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

7679.7 miles away
Fax: 425-640-4332

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Fax: 425-640-4332
7679.7 miles away

Our Approach

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an exercise and education program designed to improve pulmonary health and slow the progression of lung disease. The program focuses on improving individual fitness levels and teaching lifestyle changes that help you cope with shortness of breath while staying physically active.

Anyone who has chronic lung disease such as asthma, emphysema, pulmonary hypertension, restrictive or fibrotic lung conditions may benefit from a pulmonary rehabilitation program. Individuals wanting to reduce the risk of developing heart disease can also benefit from the program.

Working with your physician, a team of specialists will design an individual program of exercise and education to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Program Overview

A custom aerobic conditioning, stretching and strength building program is created for each patient. Participants exercise three times per week and are supervised by our staff of exercise specialists and critical care RNs.

During each session your heart rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure are monitored before, during and after exercise. Should a staff member observe any unusual sign or symptom your physician will be notified immediately.

The program also offers education on an individual basis to help you increase your understanding of your disease and improve your health. Family members and friends are encouraged to attend with the participant.

Insurance Accepted

Many insurance carriers including Medicare cover this program. Prior to starting you should verify coverage with your insurance. Our staff can help if there are any questions or concerns

Please call if you are interested in the program but are concerned about the cost.