Mom smiling at sleeping newborn baby in hospital

Substance Using Pregnant People Program

7685.6 miles away

Substance Using Pregnant People Program

Our Substance Using Pregnant People (SUPP) Program has been serving people in the Northwest for more than 30 years. We care for pregnant people up to 36 weeks of gestation and postpartum people at Swedish Ballard.

We treat pregnant people beyond 36 weeks of gestation at Swedish First Hill, where Labor and Delivery services are conveniently located.

Who qualifies  for SUPP

We care for people in any stage of pregnancy who use any substance, including drugs and alcohol. The program is primarily covered through Medicaid. A counselor can work with you to determine eligibility with other types of insurance. Active medical insurance is not required for admission.


Addiction can feel isolating, but you are not alone. At Swedish, our team is committed to offering compassionate, nonjudgmental care for the whole person. We recognize that the decision to enter treatment is not always easy, and we are here to collaborate with you and advocate for you through each step of your process.

We provide withdrawal management and medical stabilization, followed by an intensive treatment program. Our program is a 26-day, Level 3.7 – 4.0 inpatient treatment program as defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Some services we offer include:

  • Recovery resources
  • Help with smoking cessation
  • Education about infectious diseases and birth control
  • Support for those who have experienced domestic violence
  • Intensive case management and aftercare planning
  • Family involvement
  • Education on parenting, childbirth, and breastfeeding/chestfeeding
  • Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Co-Dependents Anonymous meetings
  • 24-hour nursing care
  • Pregnancy termination support options if desired
  • A low counselor to patient ratio
  • Individualized treatment planning
  • Evidenced-based treatments including Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Seeking Safety
  • Individualized spiritual care for grief, loss and shame issues
  • Groups on stress management, processing feelings, meditation, spiritual care, relapse prevention and relationships
Substance use disorder treatment

Our clinical staff specializes in gender inclusive issues and substance use disorder treatment, including individual and group therapy daily after completing withdrawal and medical stabilization. Case management, referrals and coordination with community resources are also provided. Group therapy is provided daily on a variety of topics, including relapse prevention, physical and psychological trauma, infectious disease education, drug education, parenting, and stress management. If you have opioid use disorder, we will work with you to explore how medications such as buprenorphine (Suboxone or Subutex) or methadone can support your recovery goals.


The counseling team works diligently to secure sober housing and further treatment for every patient after treatment. Many patients chose to continue to long-term treatment programs. We can help you with referrals to resources such as the Parent Child Assistance Project, First Clinic legal support, Public Health, obstetric providers, intensive outpatient, inpatient, mental health support, and DSHS.

24 hour nursing care

Nursing care is supportive to encourage patient’s recovery and includes:

  • Routine obstetric care
  • Daily vital signs
  • Medication management
  • Arrangement of aftercare obstetric appointments
Supportive professional team

Our patients have the following professionals available: respiratory care professional, board certified chaplain, registered nurses, board certified addiction doctors and substance use dependency professionals, psychiatrists, phlebotomists, dentists, ultrasound technicians, dietitians, family educators and referrals to maternal fetal medicine if needed for a high-risk pregnancy.

Parenting and childbirth education

You’ll have the opportunity to learn the basics about childbirth, including coping techniques, pain medication options, cesarean birth, and strategies for advocating for yourself in the healthcare system. The parenting curriculum focuses on infancy and early childhood. You’ll have the ability to practice integrating recovery principles into building parenting skills with support.

Medication assisted treatment

Methadone, buprenorphine (Subutex or Suboxone), and nicotine patches are prescribed as appropriate.

Obstetric evaluation and care

Obstetric evaluations and management plans are developed through a collaboration between patients and physicians who specialize in the care of pregnant people who use substances. Routine ultrasounds are performed.

What to pack

Luggage limited to 1 medium sized suit case (carry-on size) and a purse or small book bag. Anything more will not be allowed.

1 week of season-appropriate clothing, including:

  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Modest and casual clothing
  • Laundry facilities on the unit are available for each patient one day per week

Basic Toiletries

  • No perfumed or strongly fragranced products
  • No high content alcohol products such as mouth wash
  • Curling iron and/or blow dryer OK
  • No hair dye, fingernail polish and/or remover
What NOT to bring:
  • No cell phone (if needed during transit, it can be stored at facility during stay)
  • No tobacco products including e-cigarettes (we offer nicotine patches)
  • No food, candy, or beverages (we have a great menu) Controlled substances, alcohol, drugs, weapons
  • Any of the above items cannot be stored during your stay—do not bring them
  • Valuables, including cash over $20
Other items that may be helpful:
  • Your own pillow (limit 1) or small blanket if they help you sleep better
  • A calling card if you need to dial out of the 206 area code

Please enter through the Emergency Room Entrance. The registration desk will give you your paperwork and send you to us on the 5th floor.

PLEASE call us at 206-781-6209, option 2, if your plans change as we need to plan accordingly.