Do you have RSV or RSV symptoms? You may be eligible for a new study.
Providence Swedish is a site for a new study about treatments for respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. If you have RSV and were diagnosed within three days of your symptoms starting, you may be eligible to participate. Visit this website, call 206-400-2902 or email for more information.
About Providence Swedish
Providence Swedish has served the Puget Sound region since the first Providence hospital opened in Seattle in 1877 and the first Swedish hospital opened in 1910. The two organizations affiliated in 2012 and today comprise the largest health care delivery system in Western Washington, with 22,000 caregivers, eight hospitals and 244 clinics throughout Western Washington – from Everett to Centralia. A not-for-profit family of organizations, Providence Swedish provides more than $545 million in community benefit in the Puget Sound region each year. The health system offers a comprehensive range of services and specialty and subspecialty care in a number of clinical areas, including cancer, cardiovascular health, neurosciences, orthopedics, digestive health and women’s and children’s care. For more information, visit